Studio Oktober is a 120m2 analog/digital hybrid recording and mixing studio in Sweden.

The big live room is designed to have a cozy living room vibe, the room can be set up to record bands live in one room, or isolate each instrument for a different sound and recording experience. The room sounds controlled, big and beefy without being harsh.

The control room is located in a way that lets you see the entire live room while tracking, it has space for up to 6-7 people to sit and drink enormous amounts of coffee, it also has a workbench with all the necessary stuff to change strings and set up your instrument.

Who am i?
My name is Jonas Ljungkvist, I am the guy who likes to experiment with weird mics and analog gear, I tend to hold on to an old-school approach when recording bands or doing mixes.

I'm all about the performance and the sound the band generate when they play together as a group.
My main goal is to capture that feeling and present it in the best possible way.

I was blown away by the creative processes and atmosphere when recording music in my teens with underground rock bands, and its something that’s stuck with me since then, I can’t shake it off..

I started collecting music gear years ago to eventually open a small studio that has grown into studio oktober.